
Rishi Bankim Chandra Evening College bears the most celebrated name of illustrious son of Naihati Rishi Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay whose writings inspired our freedom fighters and who gave the clarion call of ‘Vandemataram’. ‘Vandemataram’ is a Sanskrit word meaning to worship mother and here the mother land. Evening shift of the college started around middle of the January, 1948 at Mohendra High School and got the permission of B.Com. teaching from 1949. The date of Trifurcation of the erstwhile RBC College was scheduled on July 13, 1984 and the first Teacher-in-Charge was Prof. Mrinal Kanti Chakraborty.

Initially it has started in common building which design, architecture and plan strikes the onlooker both visually and aesthetically. It is consists of Three storied building around the boundary of the campus. A four storied new building further added which consists of Classrooms, Seminar Hall, Library, Laboratory, EVENET, etc. The campus has many classrooms, laboratories, library, seminar room, office, gymnasium, meditation room, and administrative sections of the college. The campus consists of two playgrounds – inside the campus and outside the campus which are commonly used by all three colleges. These are covered with green grass. Inside playground is dotted with tall trees from which we enjoy the shade at sunny time. Greenery can be seen from every corner of the building having a soothing and calming effect on the mind, creating a peaceful atmosphere for teaching and learning.

The campus buildings are divided into five Blocks each, (BLOCK A to E). They symbolize the unified beauty of the mind and the soul, of pleasure and duty, of emotion and experience.

An overview of the Campus: